Lifting our spirits: Joshua James announces new ‘Human Nature’ EP

Ahead of release, singer-songwriter Joshua James shared with us some tracks from his forthcoming EP titled Human Nature. Comprised of 3 innocent folk-pop outings, it hints at a talent finding its feet.
There’s an elasticity to all 3 songs on here, each one a devilishly catchy exploration of confessional love. Opening track My World executes the traditional love song aesthetic with an inimitable panache, and the mood set by the song is so palpable you instantly get swept away into the positive, summery vibes.
Love Me continues the earworm melodies, with nods to Ed Sheeran and Jamie T – it has an upbeat and freshly engaging sound that you can, at the very least, click your fingers to. James demonstrates an unquestionable knack for writing pop and by ‘pop’ we don’t mean just ‘popular’ – we mean unashamed pop music: choruses so memorable a goldfish could recall them.
Things simmer down nicely on closing track I Am the Book; a tender ballad that manages to be quite moving with its candid, honest lyricism. Rounding off the EP, James sings about being totally open with someone he loves and trying to show his feelings are genuine. With the use of a more minor key, he adds flecks of sentiment to what is, predominantly, another solid folk-pop track.
Human Nature drops 26th of March on all streaming platforms. It is gloriously instigative, like the gleeful, inspired work of a young musician who seeks not to simply flaunt his talents, but to assuredly lift the spirits of his listeners.